Science fiction is a genre of movie making and novels that is surely alive and well. Few people walking around have not watched an episode of Star Trek, read or watched Harry Potter, or headed to the movie theater to watch Terminator or one of The Matrix movies. While the movies are great, nothing beats settling back with a book and letting the mind create the visuals we imagine instead of someone else's vision.
Harry Potter - Yes, the movies are fantastic, but the books are where the true pleasures lie with this series. There are plenty of sci-fi series novels, but few of them are as well constructed as the Harry Potter books. Rowling has often stated she knew exactly where this series was going from the moment she took pen to paper, and anyone who has read the entire series would be hard pressed to argue that very fact.
Oryx and Crake - A great tale about how the corporate world's greed could lead to an apocalypse. Anyone who has ever wondered what goes on those laboratories will enjoy this book. It taps into modern times and tells a tale that could be all too real. Few readers have put this book down without asking themselves quite a few questions about where our world is headed.
Rainbows End - Anyone having wondered what the future holds in terms of medical marvels will love this book. Imagine being regarded as a brilliant mind only to suffer from a debilitating disease. Now imagine the world finds a cure but that once brilliant mind is now regarded as average. Instead of having everyone marvel at your intelligence, you merely struggle to keep up with everyone else. The book makes a lot of assumptions about where today's technology is going but definitely evokes plenty of questions by the time the last page is turned.
Time Traveler's Wife - An incredible concept that was taken to incredible levels in the book. The movie was very good, the novel was great. Imagine having a condition that literally has you jumping from decade to decade, year to year, or century to century at any given time. On the other side is the person who has given you their heart, never knowing when you will disappear or how and if you will come back to them. If you enjoyed the movie, the book will take you to places only touched upon by the film. A truly great read.
As kids, many of our nightstands had the latest science fiction novel sitting on it dog-eared and ready for us to enjoy every night. While there are just a few of our favorite science fiction novels, you can see a complete selection at DigitalScienceFiction.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_A_Wills