Creating a podcast might seem like smoke and mirrors or some form of mystic art. But there is a great deal of science involved. A basic process that anyone can follow to be successful. A repeatable process with a guaranteed result.
So what is the science of podcasting?
Well, actually there are four separate elements that form the science portion of podcasting.
1. The tools you require.
You could if you wish, trick out a complete audio recording studio in which to record your podcast. Or rent one if you prefer that alternative. But it really isn't necessary. All you require is a headset, a computer and audio editing software. The former can be obtained for less than $10. And Audacity is one of the best versions of the latter -- and it's free. As for the computer literally anything will do from a basic netbook to an ultra powerful desktop gaming system.
2. The process you need to follow.
One of the cornerstones of science is a repeatable process. Producing a quality podcast also requires a repeatable process. Generally there is a four step process involved in producing podcasts. This is just a subset of the standard learning content process. Since podcasts are marketing products, we will use the same target audience, solution and system as every other product in the product line. As a result the process begins with the planning of the podcasts (part of the product line planning).
3. How to record a podcast.
While the performance of the podcast content is part of the art of podcasting, the actual recording is part of the science. You could record it using high quality microphones and a mixing board. But really all you require is the headset and software mentioned above. Making the actual recording is simply a matter of putting on the headset, setting the recording levels and making the recording. However, you should record the level settings and how you adjusted your microphone. Why? Because by doing so you can ensure that the recording level of your podcast is uniform for all your podcasts.
4. How to edit a podcast.
The editing process consists of using Audacity or a similar audio editing tool. Errors should be removed -- within reason -- and the entire podcast brought within the required time length. Once the errors and dead air have been removed, you can begin to correct any sound quality issues. The frequency can be adjusted for example to provide depth to the individual's voice. Once the podcast content is acceptable, you need to add the packaging. This is the added musical content during the opening and closing credits and between columns.
Do you want to learn how to create information products (learning content)? Check out my new free eBook "7 Myths and Seven Tricks in Nine Steps": http://www.learningcreators.com/myths.htm
Do you want to read more free information like this? Go to my blog: http://www.learningcreators.com/blog/
Glen Ford is an accomplished consultant, trainer and writer. He has far too many years experience as a trainer and facilitator to willingly admit.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Glen_Ford
So what is the science of podcasting?
Well, actually there are four separate elements that form the science portion of podcasting.
1. The tools you require.
You could if you wish, trick out a complete audio recording studio in which to record your podcast. Or rent one if you prefer that alternative. But it really isn't necessary. All you require is a headset, a computer and audio editing software. The former can be obtained for less than $10. And Audacity is one of the best versions of the latter -- and it's free. As for the computer literally anything will do from a basic netbook to an ultra powerful desktop gaming system.
2. The process you need to follow.
One of the cornerstones of science is a repeatable process. Producing a quality podcast also requires a repeatable process. Generally there is a four step process involved in producing podcasts. This is just a subset of the standard learning content process. Since podcasts are marketing products, we will use the same target audience, solution and system as every other product in the product line. As a result the process begins with the planning of the podcasts (part of the product line planning).
3. How to record a podcast.
While the performance of the podcast content is part of the art of podcasting, the actual recording is part of the science. You could record it using high quality microphones and a mixing board. But really all you require is the headset and software mentioned above. Making the actual recording is simply a matter of putting on the headset, setting the recording levels and making the recording. However, you should record the level settings and how you adjusted your microphone. Why? Because by doing so you can ensure that the recording level of your podcast is uniform for all your podcasts.
4. How to edit a podcast.
The editing process consists of using Audacity or a similar audio editing tool. Errors should be removed -- within reason -- and the entire podcast brought within the required time length. Once the errors and dead air have been removed, you can begin to correct any sound quality issues. The frequency can be adjusted for example to provide depth to the individual's voice. Once the podcast content is acceptable, you need to add the packaging. This is the added musical content during the opening and closing credits and between columns.
Do you want to learn how to create information products (learning content)? Check out my new free eBook "7 Myths and Seven Tricks in Nine Steps": http://www.learningcreators.com/myths.htm
Do you want to read more free information like this? Go to my blog: http://www.learningcreators.com/blog/
Glen Ford is an accomplished consultant, trainer and writer. He has far too many years experience as a trainer and facilitator to willingly admit.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Glen_Ford